acupuncture timaru

About Graham

My background is varied from growing up on a Dairy farm and farming, to training in sports science and working in various gyms as a personal trainer.

I Was Drawn To Alternative Healing

During my training at AUT I was looking at various forms of alternative medicine from Ayurveda Medicine and Herbal medicine to Massage Therapy and Chinese Medicine.

It was the philosophy of Taoism and the Five Element Acupuncture that struck me in the heart and lit a fire in my soul. Coming from a farming background the five element theory made sense.

I Learnt That Everything Is Connected

Everything is connected, when the energy flows in the body, there is nourishment, vitality and health. When energy becomes stagnant and stuck there is sickness and dis-ease. This system brings nature in to nurture the body.

I Studies With Very Advanced Practitioners

I also studied the Pascha Method under Yasmeen Clark, which I also use alongside my Acupuncture to help balance and work through stuck feelings and emotions.

Here's My Approach To Health:

My approach for optimal health is to have strong foundations in the Four Pillars of:

I enjoy working with people through their healing journey. I meet people where they’re at health wise, creating a holistic approach while restoring balance to the body and mind.

Here's Some Of The Additional Training I've Done: