Graham Good Acupuncture
acupuncture timaru


Acupuncturists of old were assigned to families to help prevent illness. That’s right! Prevention rather than cure! When the energy in the body is in free flow the body maintains balance and optimal health.

If there was another word to describe Chinese Medicine or Acupuncture, it would be Balance. When the body is in balance healing takes place.

What Is Acupuncture?

Each of the organs of the body has its own associated channel or pathway of energy. These are often referred to as meridians. Very fine needles are inserted into points along the meridians with the aim of bringing the body to a point of balance and harmony.

Acupuncture is widely known for its effectiveness in treating musculo-skeletal injuries but has traditionally been used extensively in the treatment of respiratory, digestive, gynaecological and many other chronic conditions.

What Conditions Can Acupuncture treat? ?